30 Days
Goals: Get healthy and start a business.
Starting with our mindset and attitude we work to develop habits and routines to take us towards these goals. As we remove and replace negative thoughts and patterns with beneficial ones we focus our energy on what is to be and on who we are to become.
Phase 1
Identity and Preparation
Who are you? Who is the real you? The person you were “supposed” to be? What do you really believe about yourself and what you are capable of? What dreams and desires and visions have you abandoned to fear or dismissed as wishful thinking?
How can we start to design and direct our lives and experiences rather than reacting to circumstances? If you could write a script and play a new role in life, who would you be? What would you change?
Internal goals: Confidence, assurance, motivation, peace, focus, freedom.
Tangible goals: Personal and business scripts and storyboards; journal for thoughts and ideas.
Phase 2
Habit and Action
Examine your habits. Habits of thought, movement, eating, sleeping, entertainment. How is your posture? Do you have a smile on your face?
Which habits are not good for you? What are some simple things we can do to encourage and adopt better daily habits and routines? How do these habits and routines serve your values and your bigger goals?
If we added details to the script about the habits and thoughts of your character, of who you really are and who you long to live as, what does that look like?
Internal goals: Clarity, determination, discipline, foundational values.
Tangible goals: 2 small habits; script re-write and additions; well established personal and professional/business goals and purposes.
Phase 3
Focus and Purpose
Where are your new habits and intentions leading you? What is the purpose for your vision, for yourself and others? What work deserves your energy and time? What work or task is wasteful or consuming? What can be delegated, automated or deleted? How can you make sure to include health, fitness and self-care into your plans?
It is hard to start and even harder to keep going. We therefore need to find the why. The purpose and the life of what we intend is the very substance which brings it into existence. We must find it and we can’t let go.
Internal goals: Vision, purpose, focus, courage.
Tangible goals: Start your project; have an exercise routine.
Phase 4
Creation and Service
As your creation takes form and begins to function we re-address the marketplace and the concept of service. What can you do for others that is beneficial to them? How does your service or product make someone’s life easier or better?
This is where it is not about you but what you can do to help others. If your business and mission also purpose to help or improve living conditions, health, the environment, economic opportunity and other such causes then we can start to develop a positive feedback system to help others to improve their lives as well.
Internal goals: Drive, service, ethics, community.
Tangible goals: Body of IP assets, sell something.
Coming up next is a narrated video describing the steps and ideas in this document. Link will be added here when it is available.
Please check out our Face Book page for some more content.