The Box is Not Real

You are an actor, you play a role.

You are such a good actor that you don’t know how to stop.

You continue until the role is your truth, you forget that reality is the perceptions and reactions you maintain. You forget that you have all the power.

You become the victim, not because that is what you are, but because that was the role you decided to play.

It’s okay, we understand. The victim is a familiar and natural role for most, being based in fear. Appearances are of course deceiving. Living as the victim seems easy and comfortable for a time but it is the ultimate prison, the death of the spirit, the slow receding of the waters of life.

The victim has no power.

The victim needs to be rescued and taken care of.

The victim needs safety and security.

The victim can live in conspiracies.

The victim can blame everyone and everything else.

The victim doesn’t have to fight, doesn’t have to face the enemy at the front lines.

The victim lives a slow death.

The victim avoids the fight, runs from trouble, cowers under the oppressor.

The victim dies without glory, without fulfillment, and is easily forgotten.

Would you end your days in this box?

Does this poisonous ether of putrid thoughts, this restricted self-containment apparatus, this endless mill of meaningless trope meet your life’s expectations?

Does your negativity make you happy?

Do you remember that you know how to be happy?

If you can remember how to be happy, could you start to practice it? Could you add a few expressions, some depth to your character? Could you remember how to have courage? Could you remember how to love?

Can you find in the darkness of your mind that the life you are too afraid to live is actually still here? Still waiting for you to do the read through. Still waiting for you to take a new role?

The choice is yours.

The box is not real.

The world is waiting to see the real you.

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