Your Now, Your Choice
Where Do I Start?
Maybe you are starting from a place of anger, sadness, shame. You could be lost and lonely, you could be pushing others away out of fear and frustration. Maybe you are out of shape or you are an accomplished athlete, a seasoned veteran of business or a compete beginner, maybe you are just bored.
Either way, you think too little of yourself.
Right now you could be depressed, anxious, feeling oppressed (it is 2020 after all). Maybe you have abandoned your dreams, maybe you have abandoned yourself.
Your thoughts shape your reality. Your beliefs are the soil in which your future is planted.
If you are to start, you must start with what you believe. What you believe of yourself, what you believe of the world, what you believe is possible in your life.
We start with better questions, with humility, with service, with joy and peace and love. We start by accepting ourselves, by forgiving ourselves and others. We start by accepting new possibilities and new truths into our hearts.
We start from nothing and from nowhere. We create from thoughts and imaginations. We see something in our mind and we build it, we do what is pleasing to our soul.
Life is a vapor, time races past us all. If you are to start, you must. Death sucks and apparently there are no do-overs.
We start with two questions.
Who am I?
Who is the real me?
Who am I?
You are a human being experiencing the relativity of life and expressing and navigating as best as you know how.
If you like, you can define yourself by your traits, your affinities, your experiences and knowledge, or any other subjective idea (like what you do for a living for instance). However, this might be the type of thinking that is keeping you stuck, inflexible to the changes that need to happen to realize your potential and your best life.
When you look too closely at experiences, failures and victories, emotions and feelings, or life’s inconsistencies you can end up defining yourself according to your limits. Or at the very least, when we pay too much attention to our surroundings and/or the negative stories and circumstances that we see, the rumination takes our energy and robs us of precious focus.
This is certainly not to say that we do not have to acknowledge basic truths, only that we should take care in the manner in which we receive these truths.
We all have roles to play, goals to accomplish, lives to live. We all are unique in many ways and these things are part of who we are, but only a part.
Who Is The Real Me?
This is the beauty and the difficulty, the real you is largely your choice.
As a creature subject to the natural laws, we have become accustomed to making choices from fear, from the instinct of survival. To do life any other way is to risk, to go into the unknown.
Our thoughts, meditations, imaginations, words, and actions reinforce our risk aversion and our beliefs and fears become stronger and have more power over our decisions.
But if the real you is your choice and you are choosing with your thoughts that you cannot; can not accomplish your goals, can not find the right person, can not start that business, will not experience a full life, then indeed your choice is made.
If however you decide differently then you have decided to fight, you have chosen to war with your very nature, with being comfortable or “safe”. You will (most) likely experience resistance and persecution for even attempting to change, from sources both internal and external.
No one ever said life was easy and if they did then they did not have a real life, not one most of us would recognize, not one truly worth living.
It is in rising up, in overcoming difficulties, in conquering giants that we become more. It is in getting in the game, and in getting out of your head. It is in believing that you can, that you will, that you are, that now is the time, that there is more life, deeper understandings, greater experiences, and awesome adventures and that your future is worth getting excited for.
If you are who you decide then you should have the most say in that decision. Obviously there are compromises and times of preparation and recovery. There are delays and unforeseen circumstances and myriads of details and tasks and opinions and forces. This is why you must be firm and founded in your values, your why, your service, the desires of your heart.
So, what do you say? Who are you now? Who would you be? Not if things were different in your past or you had more of this or less of that. But who will you be?
It is your choice to make.
Now What?
Now we begin.
We start to write the script for our life, for the next character we want to play, for the traits which are desirable and honest and true. It might be best not to ask your friends or relatives what they think if you will be ridiculed or made fun of. This is life though, just another dirty sock.
The goals for Phase 1 of these 30 days is to start a basic journaling habit and to write our best script for the next chapter.
This life, this person you could be, the real you that is hidden under all the baggage, maybe hiding behind a few excuses… what is it? What does it look like?
What is it like to live your real life?
What does it feel like to get where you long to go?
What things do you think? What habits do you have? Do you feel at ease, accomplished, fulfilled?
Get in synchronicity with these energies. Be at ease now, feel what it feels like. Be this person, don’t just think about being them.
Stalk your true self, but not in a weird way.
So… that’s it. Start defining your character. Start seeing you as changed, confident, courageous, doing what is best for you and those around you, living and doing and having what you love.
Do it.
Write it down.
What are you waiting for?
If you are stuck, you are stuck in your thinking. The quicksand of mind. You can save yourself, if you decide.