30 Days; Day 3 You Decide You

You Decide You

Your New Script Part 1

Until you know where you are going and what your objectives are then you will not know what you need.

Until you understand the character you are going to be portraying you cannot prepare.

No one can know your full story and your details. There is no apparent way to see who will read this and what their individual goals and dreams truly are. The truth is that inside we do know, even if we have convinced ourselves that we do not, we know who we could be, we know at least some of the things and experiences we want. Even if we cannot see in full, we can know in part. We can feel and sense things. We can experience the burst of revelation or of faith or of understanding. We can allow our hearts to have more say in our daily life. We can stop being resistant and rigid.

What we can do is to do the next thing that we know. We can take baby steps. We can make a call. We can write an outline. We can clean and organize our space. We can come up with a basic script to start reprogramming ourselves for better days.

The Character

Hopefully it is your ultimate goal to be the protagonist. To take the place of the lead character and assimilate those traits which are common to the role and which serve our best lives.

Strength, patience, courage, service, sacrifice, discipline, focus, purpose, and determination are all common to almost any lead character. Also, any story worth hearing comes with some kind of adversity, some kind of fight, some kind of growth. The main characters are choosing discomfort and adventure, they are volunteering for the front lines.

Beyond almost anything, the ideal lead character is determined to see the mission through, to do what it takes, to maintain order, to keep peace and deal justice, to save, to restore, to heal, to recover.

Yes, all the best lead characters are also fatally flawed. Weak in various unknown ways. Subject to vulnerabilities and inadequacies. Human beings.

Which gives us all hope. If one can, all can. It doesn’t have to be in the same manner or measure or time or by the same means.

Our issues are not the anchors that we believe them to be. Our strengths and affinities and purposes are meaningful and useful and needed. Our lives are important, even if we can’t see it.

When we realize this, that we are needed and useful and others are waiting for us, depending on us, then it means that we must get off the bench. We must play a bigger game, train harder, rise to the challenge. We must run as if to win the race.

The Decision

All of your life comes down to the moment, the now.

Your energy, your thoughts, your experience, your habits, expectations, emotions, everything that is in and of you creates your current manner of being and dictates most of your choices. Does life suck? Is everything against you? Do you have peace? Are you grounded? The answers are your choice, your focus determines your reality.

Think of the way you answer questions, think of your first inner response to new or challenging information. Do you allow the new thoughts and information to mingle with current beliefs or do you reject them? Have you had the same recurring dream for an extended period? When you ask yourself questions do you listen for a response and take action?

If we are honest and fully account for ourselves and our actions and the consequences of our decisions, we could be tempted to fall into shame or depression or condemnation.

We may have given up in the past to our cycles of thought, to replaying all that is wrong with us, all the people who hurt us, to blaming others, to bemoaning our situation.

We know now that this is just a decision. We know now that we are not the situation nor are we stuck in it. If we are stuck, we are stuck in our thinking, in limiting ourselves and our experiences, in maintaining and focusing on our flaws and shortcomings and victimization. We know now that we are all better than this. Better than what others have given us. Better than what others have said or believed.

We are what we believe of ourselves.

Let’s make a decision to negate the negative.

Make a decision to be who you really are.

Make the decision that you are talented.

Make the decision that you are strong.

Make the decision that you can and will and are becoming who you desire.

The biggest decision to make at this point is to decide that you will continue to adjust where your thoughts are coming from, continue to see differently about your story and capabilities and limitations, continue to decide on purpose what you are thinking and doing and where you are going with your life.

You will experience resistance. You will go back to your old ways. You will fail and falter. If you keep going, if you reframe your experience and use it to strengthen yourself, to train, if you choose your focus and determine that you are who you say, that you will overcome, that you will find a way, then you will become someone who cannot be limited or contained.

Make the decision to keep a spirit of peace, confidence, joy, love and patience, to live the life of one who would be determined to win the race.

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