30 Days; Day 4 The Character


Your New Script Part 2

Almost as much as we need a better vision of ourselves, we need a better vision for where we are going and what we are doing. What our experiences look and feel like, how the real you reacts, responds, thinks about and deals with life. To find and to determine our way, we will need to fill in all the details and breathe life into them with our imaginations, meditations, and desires.

Please turn off your inner cynic for the remainder of this exercise, you don’t need a seat belt, or a censor.

After all, even if you only take a few steps toward your ultimate goals, experience a few more things, meet a few different people, it is worth it.

It is also important to understand that we have ideas and meditations and beliefs that hold us back. Even beyond what we believe about ourselves, we have to look at our whole thought process and see where we are getting hung up or stuck. We should be aware of the environment and conditions that serve us best and those that hinder us the most.

Now is the time to restore, reimagine or to dream new dreams. Now is the time to serve and to sow into our future. Now is the time to find the better way, to come into a new season, to see a better life.


Before we continue into the story, we should take some time to develop our character and their circumstances and situation. Who they are, what they do, what habits they have, what they think, and anything else that gives us a deeper understanding of where we are heading.

We have already determined that it is generally best to foster a personality which is resilient, determined, patient, joyful, kind, at ease, disciplined and represents or approaches our ideal way of being and living. Likewise we all understand the importance of confidence and courage, the way of being which arguably gets the most attention or respect, if only because some command it.

Nonetheless, we will surely need the full measure of confidence and courage to live our fullest life. How then do we build our determination, our confidence? How do we live boldly?

Sorry to say that the answer is practice and repetition. (This is actually the answer to most “how” questions by the way.) You must rehearse and imagine and put yourself into the character. Trying something more than once, iterating, alternating, thinking, ruminating, pushing your limits, changing your approach. Looking to learn rather than to be entertained, spending time on that which would sharpen and strengthen you, being disciplined and fixed on your goals while being flexible enough to change what needs to change.

To learn courage, you do something that scares you, even a little. Maybe post a program for people to follow when you have no followers. Maybe build a website that no one knows anything about, yet. Maybe come up with a service and ask people to buy it. Maybe stop running away from yourself… practice facing your fears and dealing with your weaknesses.

The first place to practice is in your mind, to practice your decisions and your resolve; to practice seeing and moving towards your truest visions and desires.

Disaster Reset

In the real world, perhaps one of your strongest skills should be recovery, the ability to move forward after a setback or a disaster. The ability to strategically lose a few battles while focusing on the bigger war.

How and why do you continue to move forward?
What purpose drives and centers you?
What thoughts live on after all others die?

Where do you go and what do you do?
Who can you rely on in the most dire circumstance?
How do you recover when everything is taken from you?

The primary purpose here is to establish a solid foundation for our drive and motivation, to know why we continue, to see the reasons and the results and the visions of what we are planning. The purpose is to know ourselves and the truest intentions of our heart and to live this out in confidence and clarity.

Highest Calling

This true you, the character you were born to be, is probably in actuality a lot closer than you think. This person is most likely just on the other side of a perspective change, a slight attitude adjustment, or a different set of basic habits. After all, the new you is not someone else, just a deeper level of you. A you that is not stressed out or anxious. A you that is not afraid to go for what you most want in life. A you who is happy and settled and confident.

You may not be ready. You may have a list of excuses why you cannot; of all the things that are holding you back; of everything that is in your way. You may not have courage or faith or confidence or knowledge. All of this can be developed, it can be practiced.

You may not be ready but it is your turn. You know this because you are breathing. Your life is your turn. Your life is your choice. Don’t give that choice away. Don’t give it to others and certainly do not give it to your excuses, your weakness, or your fear.

So what fills you with life? What takes your breath away?

What would you do (legal and moral and ethical) if you had no fear or limitations? If you had financial freedom?

What gifts and talents are you too afraid to use?

What story do you long to tell?

When will the world get to see the real you?

Practice seeing it, believing it, knowing it; being you without fear or shame or embarrassment.

Daily Living

The real you also lives in the real world so we need a vision for the everyday activities of life.

What habits and routines do you carry with your? Which of your current ways of being do you choose to leave behind? What do you introduce or reintroduce into your life to build and reinforce the character traits you want?

What do you do for exercise? How hard do you workout? Do you have exercise partners? Trainers? Do you workout in a gym? Do you like to run or bike or hike or swim?

How much better and stronger does your body feel? How much more energy do you have? How much more do you enjoy life activities when you have energy and joy and enthusiasm?

What thoughts do you have? What are you most grateful for?

What does your work look like? How are you helping and serving?

What things do you do that you cannot now? What do you finally have time for?

How is your daily life different? How is it the same? What changed? What can you change now?

Being able to see and describe in detail, to feel, to almost taste and touch the full experience of what could be gives you a starting point for practicing what it is to be your character.

Next we will tell stories and describe some settings to connect you further with your new role.

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