30 Days; Day 6 You Version 2

You; Version 2.0

Your New Script Part 4

A clear and definite vision.

You are who you choose to be, or rather, who you chose to be. It is time to revisit that choice and to add what you want and need and to remove what is not good for you.

In the last 5 days, we have been focusing on refreshing and renewing our thoughts and beliefs to lay a foundation for our new script.

Today we will be writing a script for our new character and our new story. We will bring it all together and make the choices which serve us and the best direction for our lives.

The purpose of phase 1 is to supplant certain aspects of our thought life to produce better habits and improved personality traits and lifestyle choices. We will fully and completely address the question, ” Who do I think I could be?”

Rather than retelling the character traits and general ideas we are trying to establish in ourselves and our thoughts, today we focus on our unique goals and stories. However I do not and cannot know you or your goals, I can only present an example of the script. It is my hope that you will find some ideas and inspiration and common themes that will help you finish detailing the vision and describing the dream.


It is of utmost importance that we establish a foundation of thought and belief that serves us. Something that carries us through and keeps us going in the valleys of life. Without this we will easily give up and return to our old ways.

Therefore we should be honest and meek with ourselves to take account of our weakness and where we struggle to maintain our resolve and determination. We do this to pinpoint where we get stuck and stopped and discouraged and use this knowledge to build ways to withstand these setbacks, to make plans and mount our defenses.

If you are stuck, you are stuck in your thinking. What is it about the situation, interaction or experience that is discouraging? What can cause you to lose heart? To lower your head in defeat? Where is this feeling coming from? How do you respond and deal with the results? Where were you going, feeling, seeing and thinking right before the experience?

This is where resistance comes in. As you move forward, these instances will test our focus, our determination and our purpose. If we have an idea of the battles and enemies we will face then we can make a plan of war.

If we can then turn it around and build up our resolve and our energy and our courage, what causes you to be encouraged? What fills your heart with faith and hope? What causes you to lift your head and to stand tall? Where can you find your discipline, your resolve, your peace, your joy?

There will be times when we regroup and recover and adjust our plans. We would be well served by finding and acknowledging the way which ensures our highest performance and most excellent attitude and genuine involvement in our intentional life.

Let’s focus on finding something that is a lighthouse in every storm. Something that we can cling to when everything is, or seems to be, falling apart in front of us. This is our greatest weapon, the substance of our faith.


Here we establish our 10-year all out best possible scenario (no lottery or gambling winnings needed), where all your best imaginations come true and you lack for nothing. Life is full and you are fully content in who you are, what you have, what you do and where you are.

The moonshot also will require escape velocity, a considerable amount of energy and an entirely new perspective and understanding.

My favorite thing, compared to where I used to be, is the peace. My heart is at peace. My head can focus. What used to distract me is now trivial and without power. Big has become small, hard has become easy.

It is an understatement to say it is great to finally have real money. It is awesome to be able to build real wealth and not worry about a paycheck. It is awesome to buy my family the things they want. It is awesome to have true freedom of choice with my time and my life.

It is even better to create jobs and opportunities for people. It is amazing to give and help when and how I want. It is humbling and exciting to have more influence and purpose in life.

I actually cannot fathom how I used to think; like parts of me were living in different dimensions. My clarity and intention have grown along with my happiness and freedom.

Today, I work with a network of thousands of different companies all focused on creating a better future and a better world.

I have been involved in projects from creating new medical or tech devices to designing and building next generation training facilities; from developing mechanical devices for contagion diagnostics and countermeasures to reclaiming thousands of acres of organic farmland; from developing NLP and meditation apps to personally helping hundreds of people establish and grow their own business and get into a healthy lifestyle.

I have established multiple assistance programs for struggling families to improve their situations in life. I seek out good people in need and do everything I can to build them up.

I have a network of ranch properties and other land. These multifunctional areas are used for retreats, reunions, training, recreation, guiding and outdoor stewardship as well as traditional functions.

My websites and multi media content has helped millions of people to find mental and physical health, to start or grow a business, and to get the courage and knowledge to go after their dreams.

I have created multiple successful internet television series, three of which were picked up by big studios.

I helped each of my children to create their own successful business and I have taken them on travels around the world. They have had experiences that most people only dream of.

I have given my family a good life and a good home. We lack for no good thing.

I am bold and I make decisions easily and quickly.
I go for what I want in life.
I am wise to choose and to dwell on my most excellent thoughts.
I have already decided how to react and respond.
I have already decided who I am.
I have already decided to walk in peace and love.
I have already decided to be successful and prosperous.
I have already decided that nothing will stop me.

Here to There

So here we are now with our weaknesses and flaws and failures, in our brokenness and skewed perceptions. How did we, and how do we become this better version? What can we do now, today to be different?

We have already answered this… we practice.

We can reinforce the effects of our practice with purpose, routine, and repetition. We can design practices and programs, we can ask better questions, we can focus on our destination, we can decide to change our circumstances and environment, we can decide to change our thinking. We can ask for help.

We can reframe our experience and our attitude and be completely honest with ourselves; study our way of being and reacting and living. Why did I react that way? Not what hurts but why? Why does this thing, this experience move me?

Arguably most important considering our mortality is our continuing on our way to where we are going without meaningless hesitation. Knowing how to turn from all that would hinder our effort to see and become our best, to love life.

How can I get from where I am to realizing some of the dreams and ideas I presented? What is my plan?

What am I going to do? How am I planning on doing it? How do I start? How do I execute? Where’s the money?

Bottom Line

We have to think and do different if we want to see different.

Unfortunately, the life in the Moonshot section is not my current reality, nor is the list at the end of it representative of my current mindset. So I need to then change my thoughts and my life to align with what I want. Seems simple enough?

Decide what I want.
Decide what my thoughts and actions should be to get what I want.
Do that.

What I Want

I want to prosper and to be in health and I want that for everyone else.

I want to have a full life and to have a free spirit that isn’t bound by convention. I want to laugh fully and live fiercely, to absorb everything and to live all the best life experiences to their fullness.

Thoughts and Actions

I must believe that possibility is greater than limitation, that hope and love is greater than fear and hate. I must believe that I can. I must have confidence in my abilities and capabilities and faith in my dreams and ideas. I must be bold and believe that I am courageous. I must decide that my life is my choice. I must remove all that I can that hinders and binds. I must build in and around myself the environment and experiences which I desire. I will seek and knock and ask for what I imagine. I will throw off ties and break shackles and shatter chains and relentlessly pursue what is right and good and full of life.


There is no try. Do or do not. Excuses are done. Here is what I am doing.

  1. Develop a program to help people get healthy and start a business.
  2. Create resources and assets to compliment the program.
  3. Offer services and consultation to help people get healthy and to start or grow their business.
  4. Revise and iterate.

According to the spirit of the program, the next step is to have rehearsals, to start practicing the character and envisioning the story. This is exactly what we are going to do on Day 7.

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