30 Days; Day 7 Rehearsal


Today we start to practice the habits and actions and details of our new character. It is time to start to do the specific daily actions and to embody the character traits we desire to have.

Get ready to get out of your comfort zone.

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.

Albert Einstein


We are leaving behind old ways of being and doing which do not serve our best interests. We are replacing them with purposeful intentions and a specifically designed program to take us towards our dreams and the life we imagine we could have. We are not abandoning our lives or responsibilities, we are rising above our patterns and our current reasoning to achieve something more.

We started with deciding that we could change and rewrite our character and our lives. We started by realizing that this life is not a rehearsal and that now is our chance to do something, anything, so it might as well be of our own design.

Next, we explored what factors affect our current state or how we act out of different energies; how we are affected by different thoughts and how we can resonate with different beliefs, ideas and principles.

Day three is about beginning to form a new character and think about what we want to create in our lives, about how and who we want to be. To decide what we want. To decide to make the changes we need to make.

Then we looked deeper into our new character to create a more complete picture. We answered lots of questions and started to think about what it is really like to live life differently, to think from a new perspective and with a new attitude.

On day five we added to our story by beginning to practice ways of being and thinking, by exploring our new character and their lives and work and experiences. We defined important foundational thoughts and habits to incorporate into our mindset and meditations.

Finally, we brought it all together and completed the basic script for our new character and story. We answered a lot of questions and focused on enhancing and detailing our vision.

Set Sail

So how do we integrate these new thoughts? How do we become? How do we believe and move and do?

So many things get in our way and there are so many barriers, internal and external, real and imagined.

The transition from where we are to where we want is not going to be easy if it is going to be worth it. Whether the difficulty is real or imagined.

The practice of knowing ourselves and defining the true longings of our heart requires us to believe things on new levels. To become attuned to the frequencies of thought and energy and action. To speak a different story and walk a different walk.

We must therefore become the change, to be and to produce the thing that we seek. It is time for practice, for training.

What will it be? What can you do? What is the smallest step you can take to begin?

Today we decide on 1 to 3 habits to adopt and do a quick exercise to define these and get started.

No more excuses. Decide that you are the person you seek to be, decide you will adopt the life you want, that you will take the action and be encouraged, be joyful, be full of energy and love and peace. Live your courage, stand against your fear.


In case you missed it this is the transition to Phase 2 of our 30 day program; Habit and Action.

We must take hold of what we want and have the discipline and purpose to see it through.

MFQ: Minimally Functionally Qualified. This term comes from the book, “The Unstoppables: Tapping Your Entrepreneurial Power” by Bill Schley and Graham Weston. It essentially refers to a state of knowledge where you know how to do something with very little to no practical experience. For example, with study, contemplation and meditation (deep thought) towards say, building a basic WordPress website, most people could get MFQ’d relatively quickly. Building a theme from scratch or developing a huge site is not the idea, just starting and realizing you can do more than you think.

MED: Minimum Effective Dose. Just like it sounds, when taking something, especially referring to medication, there is a level where the effects are realized, where the drug has efficacy. Same is true for your thoughts, habits and actions. At one point, as you continue, you will experience the results just through inundation or profusion, being what you have become, having what you have decided.

Sample Habits

  1. Have a good workout 3 times per week.
  2. Eat a daily salad.
  3. Establish or improve your schedule and routine

Sample Practices

Too much coffeeSmoothie, tea, water
Too much thinkingAction, decision
Bad postureMeditation, correction
UnfocusedRoutine, schedule
Too much consumingCreate, relax, serve
Binge watchingPurpose, discipline

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