The Truth About Wielding Power and Energy

It is all about energy.

True power and energy requires a completely clear connection, with as little resistance as possible.

That is why you get overwhelmed.

That is why you can’t get there from here.

It takes confidence, courage, freedom from fear and from self-oppression.

These are the resistance, the strongholds.

Your doing and thinking must shift to being; you are who you want to be; you acknowledge and continue to receive what you want to have; you turn your eyes to see that which you desire; you join and find resonance, accordance with that state, that spirit, that outcome. You have become connected with a higher state of yourself.

The old you is gone with all their weakness and hesitancy, all the anxiety and shame, all the condemnation; only freedom and peace and joy remain.

Have you ever had the experience of a breakthrough or a victory that then brought out, or brought to the surface some weakness? Some pride or vanity? Made you were more susceptible to certain temptations?

I’m sure it is only me. After all, everyone else is perfect and only I have problems. Only I make excuses or get caught up in the wrong habits. The black hole of your thoughts will suck away everything, if you let it, again.

Or we can find a way to wield the power, to stand in the furnace of difficult experiences, to pass our initiation and become more. To take the mantle and serve and live at the fullness of our being.

If you have read anything on this website, you might know what is coming next.

Discipline and practice, those little dirty words. Until you see them as your friends, your guides; until you embrace fully your new identity of strength, clarity, and purpose you will not get everything you want.

If we can step back for a moment from all the connotations related to discipline and practice, all the images conjured up, all the experiences and emotions maybe we can see it for what it is. In essence it is the only way we do anything. We decide to do, to have or to be something and then we discipline ourselves to take the steps and perform the tasks to achieve what we have decided.

In rehearsing, we practice new ways of thinking and doing, we imagine scenarios and situations repeatedly. We meditate and form connections to experiences, to new ways of thinking and operating. We are doing this already, so the operative words here are “new” and “on purpose”.

Think about your daily ruminations and meditations. Think about what programs and images and impressions you consume and resonate with. Think about how you talk to yourself. This is what you rehearse everyday, this is what your mind meditates on when you aren’t fully conscious of it. You are awash in a certain energy and state and your inertia and environment may be chaining you to it.

If however, you begin to consistently change one or more aspects of this equation; if you purposefully adjust your environment and your daily meditations and introduce new and better habits, if you decide and commit, you will see the change you seek.

One might say that it is mincing words to say the following but I say that without subtlety there can be no truth… the difficulty is not in the performance but in becoming the performer.

Not the run but being one who runs. Not the wealth but being the one who produces the wealth and to whom the wealth comes. Not in the winning but being the one who consistently wins, and who, when he loses, loses with grace, humility and joy.

Joy is enhanced though winning and perfected in loss but should never be abandoned.

Discipline yourself with joy; not with the discipline of anger or disappointment.

Practice rehearsing good thoughts and visions; abandon thoughts and ruminations that take your time and energy or distract your focus.

Be who you are, stop thinking about what doesn’t serve you. Discipline yourself to take control and to live on purpose.

You are worth it. Your life is worth it.

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