Behind the Scenes Series

Ok, so, the reason we do not do the thing is fear.

Fear of judgement and embarrasment. Fear of failure. Fear of success. Fear of putting yourself out there for others to see, fear they will find you out, fear that you are an imposter. Fear you are not good enough.

Everyone, has, fear.

But there are some who seem to have a natural confidence, some who can’t comprehend how a person could be against themselves. Yet others live in self-loathing and depression and are almost unable to be for themselves at all.

“I just don’t think that I can take that kind of rejection.”

George McFly

“It is terrifying.”

Rob Riggle

Rob says this more than once in an interview about his journey to be on Saturday Night Live. The first time he did real stand-up he said it was horrible and embarrasing and he questioned everything about his choices.

Here is the other thing though. Since we are too afraid to move forward, too afraid to try, too afraid to step into the unknown we actually, literally hide.

We shrink back, we find excuses and place blame, we look the other way and bury our dreams and desires. We are told that everything is on the other side of what you most fear to do, but it is a much harder sell when we realize that there is much more to it than just the fear…

You have to know something, you have to have something to offer, something that people need or want, something which serves others. You have to be able to package and sell it, to create something out of nothing.

You have to have confidence and belief in yourself and your offer. You have to embody that belief and know that you have value.

Everyone knows that we can throw time and money and resources at a problem and do nothing of consequence to actually solve the problem. (Isn’t this the main argument against big government?)

Similarly, a person can work on all the little details of business without actually serving, selling or helping anyone. But again, this comes down to a meandering lack of focus and purpose caused by all the distraction and fear and negative self-image. This is where the saying “It’s not about you” comes to play.

I used to think, “Of course it is about me, this is my life, my choices, my dreams”. And, it is about you, but not in a selfish or egotistical way, if you can find the nexus where your life, your choices and your dreams become about your service to others.

It is not about you, because it is not about who you think you are. The fears and limitations, the ego, the self-judgement and condemnation, the stories about your excuses and insecurities.

It is about you because you have a purpose. Because you are unique, talented, gifted, creative… because of what you have to give and what you mean to and for others. It is about you because you are a part of us, and we need you.

Here is the deal.

I want everyone to become and to have and to see everything they dream for in this life.

If the foundation is health, the land on which we build is our dominant thoughts and emotions, the most wholly established imaginations of our heart. This is our personal identity, or our personality, and this is what determines the boundaries of our faith.

The point is to live on purpose. To determine unique goals and destinations, to serve and to love and to have experiences as rich and full and abundant as possible. To not hold back, to have as few regrets as possible, to live life instead of watching it pass by…

So if you are interested in any of this, if you see something in yourself, if you have a dream to go after, a vision of another you, another life… then follow this series. Listen to your heart. Eat whole foods, with happy people whom you love. Move your body, play, feel the sun. Let go of everything you think you aren’t.

Here is the outline.

I show you the behind the scenes of my business as I create it.

Building a website and showing how, the progress and the process.

Coming up with services, products and offers, and presenting those offers.

Client case studies.

The use of technology, applications and services.

Resources for entrepreneurs, mindset and heartset training.

Building a community around cooperation and mutual edification.

Establishing the foundations, values, culture and purpose of why we do the work we do.

We create a baseline core health program and lifestyle for ourselves.

What purpose, what work, what identity, what life do we want?

Understanding basic movement and posture.

Core and legs foundations.

Trunk, shoulder girdle, and arms.

Compound exercises.

Cardio options and variations.

Finding the athlete or warrior or primal identity, choosing strength.

Nature and movement as meditation, the body and mind connection.

To reiterate.

This website (as of this writing) is not complete. It is under construction. This post is a marker in time of our current state, and immediate agenda. The behind the scenes category of which this is a part of has yet to be created.

As the Local Resource Foundry evolves, content will be produced to share and show the progress. This is to help others as well as to promote the vision and purpose of a fuller, richer life for everyone.

Coming next is the basic service packages I will offer.

A business is about sales and sales is about helping others. Of course you can help others all you want and not sell anything, but they won’t appreciate you or respect your help. We might have to learn to think differently if we are to invite wealth and confidence into our new personality…

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