Something to Sell

Well here we are, the dirty job of sales.

The guy who doesn’t care about you and just wants your money.

The snake-oil, the purchase regret, the power and hold that money has over us, our tricky emotions and the marketing that takes advantage, the bad deal, the commitment… some purchases and some sales people have given us a bad feeling and a bad experience.

But buying and selling is weaved into the fabric of existence, we rarely go a day in which we don’t do both. The work contract we all enter into is selling of ourselves, our time, our worth, the value of our experiences and expertise… or lack of it.

I think at heart, and if maybe the experience was a bit more respectful in general, we all enjoy work. At least most aspects of it. It is when we have bad work; stressful relationships, no growth, limited freedom, oppressive or demeaning conditions that work becomes something we seek to escape and need recovery from.

So we all work, we all buy and sell, we all have varying conditioning as to the meaning of these activities and we are all linked together in this system until the day we die.

Are we to live lives of quiet desperation, scraping the bottom for scraps, desparate, complaining? Everybody is just trying to sell you until you are sold on something. Sold on a friendship. Sold on a job. Sold on a place to live and a daily existence, sold on a version of the self.

This post is selling you on sales.

We are here. We are alive. It is ultimately our choice, our vision, our belief which determines which stories we buy, which ideas and values we will pursue, what we will do everyday.

You, have, a, choice.

Right now.

Choose life or death.

Choose faith or fear.

Choose what to buy and what to sell and have peace; or choose again.

Just don’t pity or judge the sale or the salesman; who would have a job without him? Doesn’t he have a life and a family? Bills and groceries? Shelter and transporation?

If you are in business (or you work basically at all) you are either in sales or you support the sale.

You sell; gifts, clothing, labor, food, services, materials… cash flow is blood flow; accounting and marketing is exercise; selling is the score, the goal, the measure of the game.

The sooner the rest of us get over that fact and fully focus on our offer and the results and effects of our contribution, the better for all of us.

I am not saying to focus on sales at all costs; the first and foremost focus should be a quality product and offer which is a benefit to all parties. When there is something useful, beneficial or memorable it should be sold, just like a movie should be made or a book should be written.

(This is probably your old mind right now: “Told you he was gonna sell us something.”)

If you actually go back and read the content to this point… the only thing this website is trying to sell is that people and their dreams are worth it; or that life is short and time and opportunities are passing; or that business and sales is a part of our life whether we like it or not. Yes to all of that, be we also consist of people with lives and families and bills and bills and bills… (see how the bills don’t stop there?)

We sell training, consulting and coaching for health, business development and technology integration. Or that is what we do.

Really though we sell the pattern, the outline of what you want, of who you want to be, the life you dream to live. However, we don’t abandon you on the doorstep or the trailhead, we don’t tell and not show, we don’t point and then not go.

Ideally, we grow together. We maintain and build networks and relationships and businesses; we collaborate on projects and ventures; we mastermind, we create and move towards our higher visions together.

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